Elementary School (Age 6-11)

It may feel like just yesterday that you were in elementary school (time sure does fly)!

This phase of your child’s life is pivotal, as they begin to engage in sports, explore various activities, and possibly form lifelong friendships.

Despite their busy schedule, it’s crucial to ensure your child maintains proper dental care by taking care of their teeth and gums and visiting a pediatric dentist twice a year.

Here are some helpful tips to ensure your kids take care of their dental health while embracing the joys of elementary school and everything that comes with it:

Parents Should Still Supervise Brushing and Flossing

Even though 10-11 year olds can probably handle their dental hygiene independently, parents should still supervise children aged 6-9 as they brush and floss their teeth. While some children may love taking care of their teeth, others might find it annoying and hindering their fun.

Supervision is essential to ensure they not only brush twice a day and floss but also do it correctly. Remind your child to floss once a day and brush their teeth for two minutes, twice a day. By providing guidance and support, parents can help their children establish proper dental habits that will contribute to their oral health for the long term.

Ask Us About Dental Sealants

During this developmental stage, your child will likely grow most, if not all, of their permanent teeth. Proper care of these early permanent teeth is crucial, and at Flossophie Children’s Dentistry, we prioritize protecting them with dental sealants.

Our team will likely discuss dental sealants as they offer an excellent line of defense against cavities. However, in case we don’t mention it, be sure to bring up the topic with your pediatric dentist and hygienist. Dental sealants are an effective way to safeguard your child’s teeth, and we want to ensure their dental health is well-protected during these critical years.

Invest in a Sports Mouthguard

Gone are the days of simply buying a boil and bite mouthguard off the store rack down the street. While they offer some protection, do you really want your child relying on it when faced with a soccer ball, basketball, or baseball impact to the mouth?

At Flossophie Children’s Dentistry, we strongly advise investing in a custom mouthguard for your child’s safety. Though these mouthguards may not be the cheapest option, they are highly affordable when you consider the potential medical bills that could arise if their teeth aren’t adequately protected.

We are more than happy to guide you in obtaining a custom mouthguard tailored to your child’s needs, ensuring their precious smile remains well-protected during sports activities.

First Orthodontic Evaluation Should Be Around Age 7

Many parents think that if their child’s teeth seem to be coming in straight, then a trip to the orthodontist isn’t necessary, and that can be a mistake.

Sure, there are obvious cases where a child needs orthodontic care, but the American Association of Orthodontists recommend that a child get their first orthodontic evaluation around the age of 7.

Sometimes the problems aren’t so obvious, and minor, less expensive treatment at an early age can keep you from having bigger orthodontic bills down the road.

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